Homeland district Rummelsburg in Pomerania

Sponsorship: District of Soltau-Fallingbostel in Niedersachsen
for homeland district Rummelsburg
and county town Fallingbostel for the homeland town Rummelsburg
Welcome on the homepage of homeland district (Heimatkreis) Rummelsburg in Pomerania!
You reach us at present by:
1. Hans-Ulrich Kuchenbäcker Fax 04133/ 8524
Jürgen Lux: Fax 07031/ 657401

Topicals from the homeland county:

  Organisation of the homeland district:

Association of the population of german origin in the home county  Rummelsburg (polish: Miastko)
Communalities in the historic 
german district of  Rummelsburg
Travelling into the homeland Rummelsburg
Literature about the county of Rummelsburg

Actual maps 

Hymn of Pomerania

Das Rummelsburger Kreiswappen
Links to some former neighbour districts

Hoelkewiese, former district of. Rummelsburg

Links to polish websites in the homeland district:

Groß Schwirsen/Swierzno

Links to other 
Pomeranian organisations:

Official gazette of the union of homeland county of  Rummelsburg:
Rummelsburger Land (quarterity print)

The godfather town Fallingbostel
Sponsorship of the district of  Soltau-Fallingbostel for the homeland district of  Rummelsburg and of the county town of Fallingbostel for the homeland town of  Rummelsburg
Sponsorship meeting in Fallingbostel June 12th/13th, 1999 - a review
The home chamber (museum) -
(farm of the Heidmark)

Kirche in Rummelsburg
The church  of Rummelsburg in 2000

Tips  for family research


Webmaster: Fax 07031/ 657401


[deutsche Version]

[polish version]

Last update: January, 13th, 2010
Log-book of last changes